All card art is property of the respective owners & Magic: The Gathering / Wizards of the Coast. Cards shown for demonstrative purposes only

I have a card.
What is it and what do I do with it?
These are art cards I've collected from playing Magic: The Gathering, and with the help of my local store. I love them as a deck of ideas that I can shuffle and flip a random card.
Here's how you could use your card:
Use the colour scheme
Channel the atmosphere
Borrow & interpret the subject in your own way
Use the environment as a reference
... or basically anything else you can think of.
Take the card with you, use it to help you with an upcoming project, and tag me (@evalaina on Instagram) with what ever you create!
I've been collecting these cards with the sole intent to give them out for free. However if you feel like giving back, consider purchasing a plinth from me, making a post and tagging me, or just do something aggressively encouraging for a friend.
- Nat (Evalaina),
your local, chaotic-good painting goblin